
Thursday, 21 June 2012

Interior Decor, Lighting, Frank Buchwald, investments, education..THIS IS MY LIFE

Everyone knows by now that during the minutes between judging best watch and best watchmaker during the finals of the Geneva Grand Prix 2011...see:

I ran to Max's MAD Gallery to buy the most "me" light pieces I have found, and for once, I have found them FRESH from the oven.

Frank the soul, makes 10 pieces of total of all a year...with 12 models...I think many may be sold as you read this...the world's FIRST owner's report.

VERDICT: Superlatives abound.
Worth EVERY cent.
WILL surely appreciate...hey..I always say that, but have I been wrong???

Let the unboxing pictures can ask questions, and I have to catch a plane:

I used to be an HI EN audiophile: Mark Levinson, Krell, Quad, Wilson Audio, Audio Research, Maggies, all...even the Sonus extrema and the Apogee. REAL reason why men love audio is the cool glow of the solid steel and heavy equipment...the wax in our ears cannot tell the diff between a magpie and a hummingbird...kidding. can now have it all...the cool glow of tubes.
The wristwatches you have can be placed under them for photographing with your latest toy..the macro lens.

Take my advice...soon there will be copycats making these lamps...but THIS is the KRELL of all lamps..the APOGEE...the CELLO from Levinson.

Man oh man...I can't wait to get home from my trip,

For Buchwald, but this is the ONLY place you get to see the lamps he REAL life and not studio BS.


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